Our Christmas friends!

As a Christmas enthusiast, I’ve been amazed at how many fellow holiday lovers are out and about on the Internet just doing their thing and spreading holiday cheer in a variety of ways. Whether fellow webmasters, podcasters, musicians, or those who love all of the above, I’ve met some fantastic people who all share a love of all things Christmas. I want to give a shout out here to all of them so please find below a list of Christmas friends I’ve met along this holiday journey. And, of course, I meet people every day who share my enthusiasm for Christmas so be sure to keep checking back in on my growing list and please support their holiday journeys!


My fellow Christmas enthusiast Randy Anthony has a self-admitted problem and boy am I ever glad he does! Randy is the editor/webmaster for an amazing Christmas music website called Hip Christmas. Randy’s website is knee-deep in all sorts of cool Christmas music in what he describes as a collection that has “gotten out of hand.” That may be true for Randy, but for those of us lucky enough to peruse this amazing site, its Christmas music nirvana.

Hip Christmas includes hundreds of holiday record reviews but so much more. Not only does he list all the new Christmas music he’s aware of each holiday season (my go to list), but you can even get free downloads from his vast collection.

But don’t take my word for it, visit the website right now at hipchristmas.com.



If you haven’t been following cousins Chad and Seth in their Christmas journey on the Christmas Cousins podcast, what are you waiting for?! The hilarity flows like a smooth glass of egg nog in this original and unique podcast. Chad and Seth are both Jewish and one has fallen in love with Christmas and now is taking the other on a first-time journey through the holiday season and all its accoutrements and traditions. From Hallmark movies, to It’s a Wonderful Life to egg nog, Chad has been introducing Seth to the best aspects of our favorite holiday on their Christmas Cousins podcast for all to enjoy.

I was honored to be a guest of the pod and proud to accept their invitation to become an honorary cousin. You can find all of the Christmas Cousins podcast episodes on Apple iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Google podcasts, and wherever great podcasts are available for listening. You can also find the Christmas Cousins on Instagram (@ChristmasCousinsPod) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/christmascousinspod) and youtube. And if you want to spread the word, you can get all sorts of great Christmas Cousins swag!

Again, what are you waiting for?! Go forth and follow and leave a review for my hilarious new honorary cousins.


I reached out to Doron Krinetz after I discovered his wonderful Christmas-themed trivia game called Yule Never Guess and we hit it off right away. His wonderful Christmas game is a blast and can be enjoyed by the entire family, as can his Hanukkah trivia game called Who knew? And now Doron’s got a Yule Never Guess expansion pack available. I got to know Doron after sitting down with him for what became the first in a series of interactive Q&As for Christmas Every Minute called “The Big Christmas Interview. I personally think his trivia game could become a fun family tradition for your family and friends, as I know it will be for mine. It’s been great getting to know Doron and seeing the fruits of his creative gaming output. Be sure to check out his website for both games and the expansion pack. Once you’ve played this addictive trivia game you won’t be able to imagine a holiday celebration without it.